Hello. I’m Amy, the founder of Fernling Creative.

Writing has always been part of me. First, it was novels—just for fun. Then, I began ghostwriting for others; this may be what I do best. The thing I love most about helping others write is that I get to see people’s dreams come true. Together, we watch the blog or book of their dreams become a reality.

Fernling Creative is a team now.

Our premium writers, editors, proofreaders, designers, and translators support our aspiring authors through every stage of the writing process. We often work with clients over time, becoming co-collaborators and friends. Sometimes, we do it for you. We like that, too. Either way, we love what we do, and we make your life easy and successful. Thanks for trusting us with your dreams.

~ Amy and the Fernling Creative Team

See What Our Clients Say About Our Work

"Amy brings a razor-sharp intellect along with a deeply diverse background to her work.

She has excellent writing and editing skills that showcase my work and voice through the written word. Amy has just completed an exceptionally good e-book for a colleague and myself. All doubts I had about entrusting our story to a freelance writer have been laid to rest. I will absolutely hire and work with Amy on our next project."

~ Dr. Thomas Tavantzis, EdD, Innovative Management and Development, St. Joseph University

"My experience working with Amy and her team from Fernling Creative was incredible.

Amy is very organized and knows exactly what to prioritize from start to finish.  Not only did she create captivating blog posts for me, but she did it ahead of schedule.  I'd highly recommend Amy and her team."  "

~ Matt Zaun, CEO, Stories With Traction

"Amy is easy to work with and very talented.

In addition, Amy has excellent organizational skills to keep us on track. Amy is a great coach. She pulls out the best in me. I am excited about what we are doing together!

It's been a pleasure working with her! It was a great experience. She are exceptionally hard-working, smart, flexible, and a great leader. Let’s sell some books!"

~ Kevin Nolan, CEO Nolan Painting & Nolan Consulting Group

"Amy is an expert writer and communicator who has transformed the way my team presents the brand promise and value messaging for my business.

She provides expert guidance and delivery of content across both client deliverables and a wide range of marketing channels. This includes curriculum design, website content, marketing materials, and even a promotional eBook. Amy takes a process-driven approach that helps clarify the intended result for each project and timely delivery of high-quality artifacts comprised of engaging stories that motivate readers to action."

~ Dr. John H. Wilson, Ph.D., Strategic Collisions International, Drexel University

"Amy Lynch and the Fernling Creative team have been invaluable partners in writing my first book, a business memoir titled “I Broke Through the Glass Ceiling Only to Hit My Head on the Concrete.

Amy’s guidance and editing support allowed me to capture my thoughts in a sincere and lucid manner. From chapter order to cover design to final print, working with Amy and Fernling Creative has been an amazing experience!

~ Vince Gordon, CEO, Gordon Policy Group